Join intomorrowWednesday Feb. 21stas Dr. Seema Kanwal takes us through her best Naturopathic tips targeted towards Fabry patients. As many of you have seen Dr. Kanwal in action at our patient meetings, you know this isn’t one to be missed.
We have a new webinar platform called Zoom, and will be using this moving forward.
If you are joining from your iPhone or iPad, ensure you download the Zoom App prior to joining.
If you are joining from your PC or Mac, the link will prompt you to download Zoom, it can take up to 10 minutes so give yourself time before the webinar.
Time:4pm PST/5pm MST/6pm CST/7pm EST/8pm AST/8:30pmNST
Information to join below:
PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:https://zoom.us/j/640481610
iPhone one-tap:
US:+14087403766,,640481610# or+16468769923,,640481610#
Telephone (for better audio quality):
Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
US:+1 408 740 3766 or+1 646 876 9923 or +1 669 900 6833
Meeting ID: 640 481 610
International numbers available:
Julia Alton
Executive Director
Canadian Fabry Association
“Be Rare. Be YOU.”
Website: www.fabrycanada.com
Facebook: Canadian Fabry Association
Instagram: Canadian Fabry Association
Twitter: @CdnFabry