We’re all rare in our own way. The CFA set out to share the message of empowerment, to embrace what makes you rare, and own it. Last year for Rare Disease Day we walked for awareness of rare diseases and over 100 people contributed. This year for Rare Disease Day we launched our Be Rare Be You Campaign, and this year… we not only reached 100’s, but 1000’s! This is just the beginning, our goal is to have as many people worldwide wearing the tattoo throughout the year at events, as well as next Rare Disease Day. Thank you to all who were part of this campaign. Be Rare Be You sweaters were made, photos were sent from around the world, many rare disease groups jumped on board, and permanent tattoos with the message of Be Rare Be You were made. Here is a collage of some of the photos submitted for Rare Disease day 2018. BE RARE BE YOU.
Please see our slideshow of the day!